Archive for TV shows

Scene by Scene: Watching the awesome Force Five Starvengers cartoon

Posted in cartoons, nostalgia, pop culture, TV shows with tags , , , on January 31, 2014 by Paxton

I just watched the 1980 Japanese anime classic, Force Five: Starvengers.  I’ve loved this movie since I watched it in re-runs as a kid.  I just recently rewatched it and I thought I’d go over the story and some of my favorite parts with you right now.

I do this from time to time where I step visually through a movie or TV show I loved and playfully make fun of it.  Let me show you just how much fun and awesome this cartoon is.

Force Five Starvengers

Force Five: Starvengers is a re-edited version of the Japanese show Getter Robo G, which was itself a sequel to another anime series called Getter Robo. Both of those Japanese shows originally aired in the 70s in Japan.  The re-edited Starvengers aired in the US in 1980 during an animated programming block called Force Five that featured four other giant robot cartoons; Gaiking, Grandizer, Dangard Ace and Spaceketeers.  Each show would air on a different day of the week.  The Starvengers robots would become a part of the Shogun Warriors toy line.

Hummer Palladin Star Poseidon
We learn that a team at the Copernicus Laboratory have developed three advanced aircraft. The first aircraft (on the left) is code named Star Dragon and flown by the awesomely named Hummer. The second aircraft (in the middle) is code named Star Arrow and flown by the awesomely coiffed Paladin.

I’m not kidding about Paladin’s hair. Check out this better picture of his anime hairdo that defies any sort of man made law be it physics, gravity or awesomeness.

Of course there’s a girl member of the group and of course she is the perfect looking anime hottie.  Her name is Series and there’s an implied relationship with Paladin (of course).

Back to the robot ships above.  Just looking at them, the aircraft don’t really seem different than any other fighter craft.  But these three aircraft can combine together to form three different giant robots.  The three different robot formations are based on which aircraft is in control.  The three robots formations are Dragon (left), Arrow (middle) and Poseidon (left).  Each robot has different weapons, functions and skills that separate it from the other robots.

Star Dragon Star Arrow Star Poseidon

Here’s an animation I made of the three aircraft combining into Dragon formation. The one they do most often.

Star Dragon GIF

As the story begins, the third aircraft, code named Star Poseidon, has no pilot (due to the previous pilot being killed in the first movie Getter Robo, but that’s never mentioned). Then, the head of Copernicus Labs’ son (Or nephew? I’m not sure.) runs into a man, nay, a force of nature, known only as Foul Tip.

Foul Tip, or ‘Tip’, is a simple man. He loves eating and baseball. And we are constantly reminded of both.  It’s insinuated that he plays professional baseball, but that’s literally all we know about him.  And due to the impending crisis, Tip is drafted into the Starvengers without preamble, without any cursory background checks nor any previously revealed flight experience.  “Sure, guy we literally met 5 minutes ago, fly one of our multi-billion dollar advanced robot attack planes.  What could go wrong?”

And yes, Foul Tip is wearing a catcher’s uniform as his flight suit. Like that sh*t would work when his body is pulling 4Gs fighting off other giant robots.  Oh, and Tip speaks in mostly baseball metaphors during battle.  Subtle, Coen-like character work is going on here, my friends.

Let’s talk about the bad guys. The Pandemonium Empire.

Continue reading

Six Million Dollar Man Season 6 coming March 12!

Posted in Bionic Man, comic books, pop culture, Six Million Dollar Man, TV shows with tags , , , , , , on January 29, 2014 by Paxton

Bionic Review

Not a review, today, just some news about the Dynamite Comics Bionic franchise.

Dynamite Comics announced that they are going to start a new Bionic Man series. Only this series will be a direct sequel to the 70s TV show, The Six Million Dollar Man. The title will begin on March 12 and be named, appropriately enough, The Six Million Dollar Man Season 6.


Comic book continuations of TV shows have become quite popular since Joss Whedon allowed Buffy (Season 8) and Angel (Season 6) to be continued.  Now you can find comic book seasons for TV shows like Smallville (Season 11), Charmed (Season 9) and X-Files (Season 10).

According to Cosmic Book News, the new Six Million Dollar Man book will be drawn by Juan Antonio Ramirez and written by James Kuhoric.   Just like the last series, Alex Ross will be doing his awesome painted covers. Writer James Kuhoric should be familiar to fans of this blog as he wrote those awesome Jason vs Freddy vs Ash comics I reviewed for AWESOME-tober-fest 2012.  Cosmic Book News has an interview with Kuhoric as well as some early pencil art for the comic by Ramirez.  And the art looks GREAT. Click the image below to see a few more of Ramirez’s drawings within the Cosmic Book News’ article.

SMDMS6 art

It looks like Dynamite’s original Bionic Man title will stop in February and this new Season 6 title will take over. I guess that also means Bionic Woman will stop as well. I was enjoying the first Bionic Man title, but honestly, after Kevin Smith’s initial run, the title was holding my interest less and less. I think a reboot is a good idea and I LOVE the idea of actually continuing the original 70s TV show including the fashions and effects of the time.  Plus, Steve Austin will actually look like Lee Majors and Oscar will actually look like Richard Anderson.  That can be nothing but GOOD.  I wonder if Rudy will look like Darren McGavin or Alan Oppenheimer?

There are several other places to see more info about this new title. Bleeding Cool has an interview with Kuhoric and a lot of finished, colored art from the first issue. Also, if you head over to the 6 Million Dollar Blog you can see the cover to issue #2.

Nerd Lunch Episode 116: Live Action Super Hero Television

Posted in comic books, podcast, pop culture, Superman, The Flash, TV shows with tags , , , , , , on January 28, 2014 by Paxton

Nerd Lunch Podcast

This week we are joined by Elliott Serrano, a writer from the Geek To Me Blog on Elliott joins us to talk about live action super hero television.

Flash vs Trickster

We talk about some of our favorite live action super hero TV shows, we talk about why we think our favorites worked. We talk about ones we didn’t like and why we think they didn’t work. We even discuss M.A.N.T.I.S. for some reason.

We mention all the classic super hero shows (Batman ’66, Adventures of Superman, The Flash, etc) and we end the show with a discussion of the new school shows (Agents of SHIELD, Arrow, Marvel’s Netflix shows, etc).  It’s a great discussion chock full of super heroes.

Download this episode from iTunes or listen to it on Feedburner.

Or listen to it online right here.

Nerd Lunch Episode 114: Nerdstradamus 2014

Posted in movies, podcast, pop culture, soda, TV shows with tags , , , , , on January 14, 2014 by Paxton

Nerd Lunch Podcast

It’s a new year. 2013 is behind us. 2014 lays in front of us. It’s that time for us on the podcast to reconvene and talk about pop culture predictions. First, CT, Jeeg and I sit down and go over all the predictions we made last year for Nerdstradamus 2013.


We count up the ones we got right, subtract the ones we got wrong and pick out a winner (because Carlin insists that there always be a winner). After we pick the winner of the 2013 predictions, the group is joined by Rob Graham in the fourth chair to make all new predictions for 2014.  We predict events in movies, TV, fast food and celebrity news.  It’s a fun time had by all and I expect to do this again next year and see that all my predictions were not only wrong, but embarrassingly wrong.

Download this episode from iTunes or listen to it on Feedburner.

Or listen to it online here.

AWESOME-tober-fest 2013: The Walking Dead TV series (2010)

Posted in monsters, pop culture, TV shows, zombies with tags , , , , , , , , on October 9, 2013 by Paxton

Awesometoberfest banner

In October 2010, AMC debuted the TV series The Walking Dead based on the comic of the same name by Robert Kirkman. I read the comics, so I thought I should check out the show. There are currently 3 seasons existing and the fourth season starts in Oct.


The show, for the most part, follows the setup of the comics.  Rick Grimes wakes up from a coma to find the world has been plunged into a post-zombie apocalyptic nightmare.  He sets out to reunite with his family and gathers more survivors who walk around searching for food and shelter together.  All the while fighting off the roaming packs of zombies that cover the landscape.

Pretty good premise.  Anyway, I started watching the first season which consists of only 6 episodes and I couldn’t make it past 2 episodes.  The pilot was good, if not riveting.  But by episode 2, I didn’t really care anymore.  The actors don’t suck, but they aren’t electric either.  The zombies are mostly boring (but again, I’m not a huge fan of zombies anyway).  I sort of like the premise I guess, but it’s just not grabbing me.  I’m not fully engaged.  It makes me sad because I’d like to keep watching to see what happens when the fugitives reach the prison and we meet The Governor (from the comics).  But the show isn’t really good enough to continue.

As a matter of fact, I care so little that I don’t feel like even trying to pick this show apart.  I’m not even sure if there were things I would pick apart.  I just didn’t connect with the show and I have a lot of other stuff I’d rather watch that engages me.  So this review is going to end a bit short.  Sadly.

So personally, I can’t really recommend this show, but it’s getting a lot of love online and I guess people really love it.  I, however, don’t.

2012 banner
Also, check out the blog Countdown to Halloween for more Halloween-y, bloggy AWESOMEness.