Archive for TV shows

AWESOME-tober-fest 2013: The Purple Smurfs (1981)

Posted in 80s, cartoons, monsters, pop culture, TV shows, zombies with tags , , , , , , , , , on October 3, 2013 by Paxton

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The sixteenth episode of Season 1 of The Smurfs cartoon was called The Purple Smurfs.  It aired in October 1981.purple_smurfs_title This particular episode of The Smurfs has become infamous as the “zombie smurfs” episode.

We start off with Papa Smurf waking up on the wrong side of the smurf this morning. He gets pissed at all his little smurfs cause they aren’t working hard enough and starts acting like kind of a smurfing smurf to everyone. Check him out below dressing down Lazy Smurf for sleeping on the job. I mean, the dude’s NAME is Lazy, why are you surprised?

After bottling up the continued mental and verbal abuse of Papa Smurf, Lazy Smurf goes off to chop some wood in the forest and encounters the rare and elusive “purple fly”.

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Yes, that’s its name, “purple fly”.  I know because Papa Smurf calls it that later in the episode.  The “purple fly” bites Lazy on the tail which turns him into a mindless purple smurf monster that only says “GNAP!”


Zombie Lazy Smurf goes on a smurf tail biting rampage and starts turning the entire village into purple smurfs.  Papa starts freaking the f**k out as all of his precious smurfs are getting smurfed into zombies.


At first, Papa Smurf is able to identify the problem; the “purple fly” biting Lazy Smurf.  But it’s been so long since this has been a problem that he can’t remember the solution (what?!). So Papa gets a team to go out into the woods to find this “purple fly”. It’s unclear whether this “purple fly” is only 1 fly or a whole species of fly.  However, if there were a bunch of these things flying around the forest you’d think they would have been a problem in more recent memory and Papa would know what to goddam do about this situation.  But he doesn’t so he has to improvise.

So Papa and his “purple fly retrieval team” go to the EXACT spot in the forest that happens to contain this rare zombie creating fly. He then captures it with a net that has holes that are clearly big enough for the fly to escape, but doesn’t for some reason.


Papa starts experimenting on the fly but can’t seem to figure out a cure for the purple zombie smurfs. And these zombie smurfs are getting worse. They are spreading like wildfire and they have become incredibly smart. Zombie Hefty Smurf actually steals some blue paint and paints himself to look like a regular smurf so he can move around and bite smurf asses covertly. Like a ninja. A zombie smurf ass biting ninja.

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Not sure how or why the heart tattoo on Hefty’s right arm isn’t painted over with blue. I don’t think paint works like that.

So eventually, while fighting the purple smurfs, all of the smurfs are transformed into zombies except Papa Smurf. And, of course, he’s surrounded.


He manages to escape that ring of purple smurf zombie death (check out zombie Smurfette in the upper left) and gets to his little hut where he keeps the cure. But not before he gets bitten and turned himself. Just as his hut catches on fire. The Smurfs are DOOOOOOOOOMED!!


What happens? Tune in next time, same smurf time, same smurf channel.

Honestly, this is a fun episode. I enjoyed the purple smurf shenanigans. It had much of the zombie tropes you’d see in low budget horror movies of the 80s.  And surprisingly, this entire cartoon story is based on a storyline that appeared in the original Smurf French comic strips back in 1959 (a full NINE YEARS before Romero’s Night of the Living Dead).

Check out this episode if you have a chance.  It’s easily found online.

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Also, check out the blog Countdown to Halloween for more Halloween-y, bloggy AWESOMEness.

Nerd Lunch Episode 100 – 1: Expendables of Other Genres II

Posted in cartoons, movies, podcast, pop culture, TV shows with tags , , , , on August 20, 2013 by Paxton

Nerd Lunch Podcast

Welcome to Nerd Lunch Episode 100 Eve. We are all so excited about reaching the century milestone that we completely and totally half ass this episode (unlike other episodes, am I right?). However, our guest, longtime show favorite, Jay from Sexy Armpit, brings his A-Game to bust the curve created by your lazy ass hosts. Case in point, the amazing Nerd Lunch rap that Jay drops in our laps at the beginning of the episode. This entire show has been worth it (all 99 episodes) if nothing else than we get that rap. We may as well stop recording now.

Jay is here this week after a long absence (which we apologize profusely for) to do a topic that has become a host favorite despite the fact we’ve only done it once before (Episode 22), Expendables of Other Genres. This time the genres we are discussing are Nerds/Hackers and Cartoon Voice Actors. However, in true Nerd Lunch fashion, the show turns into a Rick Moranis love fest in which we ponder whether the little seen actor is actually retired from acting, or just “not acting”.

Missing Rick Moranis

However, expect to hear several actors who have played classic nerd/hackers like Matthew Broderick (War Games), Val Kilmer (Real Genius), Curtis Anderson (Revenge of the Nerds) and Mr Eddie Deezen (every movie he’s ever been in EVER).  On the cartoon voice actor front expect the usual suspects with Peter Cullen, Frank Welker and Billy West but we throw in a lot of surprises you’re going to want to hear.  Expect me to bring up yet again the Teen Wolf cartoon.  Our Nerd-To-Dos become dominated by a Firehouse Subs discussion.

It’s epic podcasting at its most epic.

Download this episode from iTunes or listen to it on Feedburner.

Hanna-Barbera’s The Robonic Stooges (1977)

Posted in cartoons, nostalgia, pop culture, TV shows with tags , , , , on July 17, 2013 by Paxton


This week’s assignment from the League is to talk about robots. Another rather broad topic, but instead of listing my top 10 robots or something along those lines, I’d thought I’d discuss one of my favorite cartoons that happens to combine robots and…The Three Stooges?!

Yep, in late 1977 CBS aired the cartoon, The Robonic Stooges featuring Moe, Larry and Curly as bumbling, bionic super heroes.  The show was produced by Hanna-Barbera.


The show originally ran as a segment on the variety show, The Skatebirds. The Skatebirds format was extremely similar to The Banana Splits.

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The bionic enhancements to the Stooges gave them abilities that were very similar to Inspector Gadget. Extending limbs, hidden gadgets, plus the letters on their chests were actually hidden doors that open to allow the Stooges to get supplies and objects they needed for their adventures.


Also Curly seemed to be stretchy and inflatable. Many episodes featured him getting filled with hot air and blowing away.

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The show was wacky and fun. The Stooges would bumble their way through stopping thieves and mad scientists. Often times succeeding despite screwing everything up.

The Skatebirds was cancelled at the end of 1977. However, The Robonic Stooges was popular enough to get their own show after the cancellation. However, it would be cancelled by Spring 1978 and shown in reruns for the next few years. That’s how I watched the show, in reruns in the early-to-mid 1980s.

The voice cast was very good. Unfortunately, all of the original Stooges were dead by the time the show was in production, so Moe was voiced by the great Paul Winchell, Larry by Joe Baker and Curly by Frank Welker who did a variation on his JabberJaw voice.

Another show similar to this (but no robots) was Super Globetrotters. It was another way to make real life celebrities into cartoon super heroes. And it, too, was awesome.

Episodes of this show are pretty hard to come by online.  There are some clips on YouTube, but that’s about it.

Here is a shortened version of the show’s intro.

Here’s a clip of the Stooges inflating a giant inflatable battleship.

Robots around the League:
– Shawn talks about a robot used to sell Hitachi VCRs
– The Goodwill Geek shows us his awesome robot collection
– The Nerd Nook lists their top 10 pop culture robots

Nerd Lunch Episode 93: Pop Culture Eraser 2

Posted in Batman, movies, podcast, pop culture, TV shows with tags , , , , , , on July 9, 2013 by Paxton

Nerd Lunch Podcast

This week JEEG IS BACK and we are joined again by Brian from Cool and Collected. This week we do a topic that I missed the first time out, The Pop Culture Eraser.

Pop Culture Eraser

We are each allowed to erase 1 person and 1 thing from existence. But we also have to envision how that would affect the pop culture landscape.  Jeeg was pretty bold with his choices but some of the things that get erased are the 60s Batman series, Jay Leno and Christopher Nolan.  The fun in this discussion is how this would affect pop culture in general after these things have been erased.

Download this episode from iTunes or listen to it on Feedburner.

Or listen to it online right here.

Nerd Lunch Episode 92: Reboot Challenge

Posted in Back to the Future, movies, podcast, pop culture, TV shows with tags , , , , on July 2, 2013 by Paxton

Nerd Lunch Podcast

This week, Jeeg is out and we bring in Matt Ringler from Schlock Treatment podcast and Tim Lybarger from The Neighborhood Archive. This week we all talk about reboots and we are tasked with creating our own reboot of an existing property.


My choice for a modern reboot is Misfits of Science.  Matt talks about the TGIF lineup that contained shows like Mr Belvedere, Perfect Strangers and Full House.  Tim wants to reboot Gilligan’s Island and CT tries to tackle the impossible and reboots Back to the Future.  Prepare for some pretty good ideas that get thrown around.  Especially mine.  ALL of mine are GOLD.

Download this episode from iTunes or listen to it on Feedburner.

Or, listen to it online right here.