Spockcation 2009: My adventures in Jacksonville with 12″ Spock

Spockcation 2009

Spock arrived last week and we got to spend the weekend together. I showed him the sights of Jacksonville and we bonded. It was nice.

Eclectorama is going to post a few of my pictures from this weekend as he’s the Spockcation host. But I’ll go ahead and show you guys a few of the pics with some commentary. If you want to see more of these pics head to my Spockcation 2009 Flickr set. Click the below images to make them BIGGER.

Spock reads ST novelSpock reads MadSpock reads Mad 2

While waiting around for me to get home from work Spock had lots of time to read. Surprisingly, his reading choices did not deviate from reading about himself. The dude is a narcissist.

Spock at Winn-DixieSpock at Winn-Dixie 2
Spock at the Winn-Dixie corporate headquarters here in Jacksonville.

Spock at movieI took Spock to our local theater to see the new Star Trek movie. He seemed to enjoy it. Not surprisingly, he tried to get the projectionist to rewind the film after every scene with Spock in it.

Sunday was Spock’s last day with me. We had a great weekend, as you can see, but Spock decided it was time to party. Spock challenged me to a drinking contest in celebration of our final night together.  Here’s how the whole thing went down (click the images to make them BIGGER.

Spock calls me outSpock challenges me to a drinking contest by questioning my mother’s virtue.

Spock drinksSpock backs up his challenge by taking the first drink. Then, tossing the bottle to the side, he again questioned my mother’s virtue.

Accepting Spock's ChallengeAccepting the challenge, I take my drink and immediately ask Spock if his parentage included, at some point, a less than intelligent pack animal.  Spock takes off his shirt and asks if I have heels to match my skirt.

Spock rides that donkeySpock finishes another drink and shows the wine bottle whose its daddy. Spock also infers that this is what he’ll be doing to my wife later that evening.

Spock does the robotDefending my wife’s delicate sensibilities, I take my turn and drink. Confident with his impending win, shirtless Spock does the robot while mocking my lack of “manly bits”.

The EndSpock finishes the evening’s festivities by trying to hump my toaster, puking on my cat and passing out on my coffee table.

How did I finish the evening you ask? I woke up on my front lawn clothed only in my socks, my right leg shaved of all hair and a tattoo of the Vulcan High Council on my ass. I’m never drinking with a Vulcan with a Napoleon complex ever again.

11 Responses to “Spockcation 2009: My adventures in Jacksonville with 12″ Spock”

  1. Your Former Neighbor Says:

    Truly, an epic tale of woe. Shame about Presley. The cat didn’t deserve it.

  2. Paxton, I am so sorry I should have warned you Spock cannot hold his liquor. Please accept our apologies, I’ll talk with Spock about his behavior.

    It looked like he was getting along with Presley so well, by the picture it looked like he was petting the poor kitty, now I know.

    • Charles, it WAS tragic. Presley is in therapy now. She will be fine in a few years after she writes her book, I Lived Long Enough to Be Puked On By Spock.

  3. You have quite a lot of MAD mag and wine there. Did Spock get anything before you send him off?

  4. Oh my gosh, I have have a big crush on Spock since forever! I had no idea he was such a bad ass.

  5. You crack me up!!! I avoid anything Star Wars (oh wait…StarTrek) like nothing else (except maybe Transformers), but this post is way too hilarious not to comment on. Love Spock with the wine.

    • Trish, glad you liked it.

      However, I wouldn’t avoid ANYTHING Star Wars or Star Trek. There’s some really good Sci-Fi novels out there based on both properties.

  6. Your Former Neighbor Says:

    Yeah “Courtship pf Princess Leia” kicked ass!!

  7. Well someone had fun…

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