AWESOME-tober-fest 2012: Fangoria magazines featuring Freddy Krueger

AWESOME-tober-fest 2012

I did this last week for Jason Voorhees, so I’m going to do it again with Freddy. I reached back into my stash of vintage Fangoria magazines and pulled out a few that had covers and articles about A Nightmare on Elm Street or Freddy Krueger.

The first issue I found was Fangoria #62 from 1987. It has a cover story on A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors and the reunion of Nancy and Freddy.  It was probably published a few months after the release of the movie.

Fangoria #62 cover

This issue also featured the Friday the 13th Part 6 article about the gory scenes cut out of that film that I featured last week.

Here’s the cover article about Nightmare on Elm Street Part 3.

Fangoria 62 Nightmare 3 1

Fangoria 62 Nightmare 3 2 Fangoria 62 Nightmare 3 3

Fangoria 62 Nightmare 3 4 Fangoria 62 Nightmare 3 5

It’s an okay, mostly fluff article about what the new movie is supposed to be about. There are a lot of good photos, though, as Fangoria was always really good about including those in their main articles.  No really good inside info, though.

The second issue I found was Fangoria #64, also from 1987. It features a cover story about A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (not surprising since it’s only 2 issues later).

Fangoria #64

The cover article in this issue is an on-set journal written by Robert Englund called I, Freddy.

I, Freddy 1 I, Freddy 2
I, Freddy 3 I, Freddy 4

It’s an okay article. It’s written by Englund but in character as Freddy. Not really any new information but some good behind the scenes pics. It rambles a bit and tries to be darkly funny in places but it mostly doesn’t really work.  I think I would have preferred Englund just straight up write the journal on his own.

Finally, in Fangoria #58 (from 1 year earlier, 1986) there is an interview with Robert Englund about Nightmare on Elm Street 3.  It’s called My Breakfast with Freddy.  It was published the year before the movie was released.

My breakfast with Freddy

I’m only bringing up this article because Robert mentions something that I didn’t know. He actually wrote a script treatment for the third Nightmare on Elm Street. I’m assuming this was before they were able to get Wes Craven to come back to write it. Englund says that his treatment was called Freddy’s Funhouse.  Englund’s story involved the sister of one of the original movie’s characters, Tina.  She is having nightmares about what happened to her sister and returns to Springwood to learn more about Freddy.  In Englund’s story you would see flashback scenes to Freddy before he was burned by the parents.  Tina’s sister would be looking at archive footage of his trial and subsequent acquittal of murder charges.  Sounds interesting enough to me, however I liked the movie that was delivered.

2012 banner
Also, check out the blog Countdown to Halloween for more Halloween-y, bloggy AWESOMEness.

4 Responses to “AWESOME-tober-fest 2012: Fangoria magazines featuring Freddy Krueger”

  1. That two-page spread with the house is awesome. I’ve always wished that someone would make a haunted house modeled after the original, filled with all sorts of “traps” or scares from all the films! 😀

  2. Freddy cleans up nice in a tux. I’d have taken him to prom.

  3. Thanks for posting this. Was wondering are there any Fango issues on the first one (1984). Also any chance of doing a similar post with the Femme Fatale magazine issue on ANoES 3?

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