The Cavalcade is awarded a Versatile Blogger Award

Well, I was going back and forth about even posting an article this week.  After last week’s big crossover with Branded in the ’80s, I was a bit winded and I wanted a break. Okay, yeah, that was only one article last week but it was such a bad ass article that am having trouble finding a suitably awesome article to back it up.

Plus, I’m going back home to Birmingham, AL this weekend with my wife for a baby shower so preparations for that have been ongoing this week (as well as trying to fit in a screening of Predators with my friend, Dr Mike, before I go).

Then, Strange Kids Club, one of my new blogging friends (and a Cavalcade approved blog) passed along a very cool award, the Versatile Blogger Award.

I like that. I like to consider myself a versatile blogger. This blog works in much the same way as the thoughts in my head. In any given post you could see me talk about movies, comic books, TV shows, toys or cool, geeky technology. I try to keep things broad because that’s what keeps me interested. I realize if I make this blog a little more specialized I might get more traffic.  However I’m interested in a lot of different things. This blog, as you know, is a kaleidoscope of awesome-ality (where do I come up with this stuff?).  So I promise to try to keep things fresh around here.

Anyway, thanks, again, SKC.  Now, there are rules that go with this award.  They are:

  • Give thanks to the person who nominated you.  (Done and Done)
  • List 7 things about yourself (yikes)
  • Give this award to 15 of your favorite bloggers (15!!!)

Okay, here we go with #2, 7 things about myself:

Me as Kirk

1. I live in Jacksonville, FL with my wife, a cat named Presley and a new baby boy (PJ) due in September.
2. I work at the Winn-Dixie corporate headquarters in the IT department.  I work on the financial/accounting software, Peoplesoft.
3. I love browsing supermarkets and bookstores, especially ones I’ve never been in before.
4. I’m a pack rat/collector.  I’ve randomly collected things throughout my life like soda cans, Garbage Pail Kids, comics, action figures, Kool-Aid packets, magazines, newspaper clippings, books, etc. This blog enjoys the fruits of that labor.
5. From 1997 to 2005 I heavily collected Star Wars merchandise.  When I was still in Alabama I remodeled my downstairs into a Star Wars museum.  Since I moved to Jacksonville in 2005, the collection sits in a temperature controlled storage unit.
6. I’m a runner.  Currently I’m training for a marathon in December.  It’ll be my first full marathon.  Before that I’m running a half-marathon in September and another half on Thanksgiving day.  These three races are called the Tri-2B Tough Challenge.
7. I am awesome.

Okay, 15 bloggers (!) that deserve this award. Well, Strange Kids Club gave it to me, so they already received the award (and they deserved it). Branded in the ’80s was also awarded this from SKC, so I won’t double up Shawn (he deserves it too). Here is a quick list of other sites I think deserve the versatile blogger award (in alphabetical order):

bookworm – Book reviews
Eclectorama – Toy reviews
Gen X-tinct – Pop culture and nostalgia
Love, Laughter and a Touch of Insanity – Books, cooking, life
Movieholic and Bibliophile Blog – Books and movies
Nerd Lunch – All things nerdy
Poison Mushroom – More nerdiness; video games and wrestling
Sexy Armpit – All New Jersey pop culture, All the time.
Surfing Pizza – Random. Funny. It’s the Surfing Pizza.
Wolf Gnards – Pop culture and geekiness.

It’s not 15, but I’m going for quality, not quantity.  Everyone in this list should be proud because I visit you nearly everyday.  And I think everyone reading this should also.

Anyway, thanks SKC, I really do appreciate this.

11 Responses to “The Cavalcade is awarded a Versatile Blogger Award”

  1. Thanks for passing along this award to Nerd Lunch. It’s an honor to be listed among that fine group of blogs.

    The three of us at Nerd Lunch shall treasure this award always. It’ll go in our trophy case right next to the crushed Mountain Dew can that Jeeg smashed on his head.

    And we shall pass along this fine award to other deserving blogs soon.



  2. Glad to see the spirit of the award has imbued everyone with warm, tender feelings of general awesomeness.

    Congrats on getting ready for those marathons, Pax. I tried one a few years back (half-marathon I believe) and *geesh* I felt so proud afterwards, but man was it tough. So, kudos to you.

    Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on Predators, I thought it was pretty damn good myself. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to work on building my Brody-bod.

  3. so honored that you named me. I do feel the warm and tender feelings imbued through the award. at least, i think that’s what that feeling is.

    I run too, but still new to it. I’m training for a 10k.

  4. Cool, thanks for awarding me. I’m flattered. 🙂

  5. Aw Paxton–can I tell you how much you’ve made my day? Maybe even week. I’ve been feeling a bit discouraged lately as I feel like I’ve totally lost my audience since the blog move–I totally get what you say about broad topics works for you but it doesn’t necessarily bring in the traffic.

    So thank you. And I hope you have a super time in Alabama–baby shower and Predators screening all. I missed Branded in the 80s but I’m hoping to catch up with all my blog reading soon!! Watched Hot Tub Time Machine this weekend and had a few laughs.

    Keep up the Awesome–I expect nothing less from you!

  6. Pax, you are in the upper echelon of the blogosphere so this is an ultimate compliment! I’m glad my NJ blog even entertains those who don’t hail from The Armpit of America.

  7. I’m a bit of a pack rat myself if I’m not too careful. Thanks for the award and I hope you enjoy your visit!

  8. Congrats on the award, Pax. I am a fairly new subscriber to your blog and I have been hooked since the Back to the Future tributes you have been posting. Keep up the good work and versatile blogs rule!

  9. Congrats on the award Paxton and thank you for passing it on to me. I am honored 🙂 Enjoy your trip and the baby shower!

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